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Davis Stories

Davis Stories is a series of narratives by different voices of our kehilah (community). Parents, teachers, alumni, alumni-parents, students and friends share how The Davis Academy has made an impact on their lives. Davis Stories deepens the meaning of our mission and amplifies the excitement of our 30th milestone.

My Davis Story: Galia Sabbag

Twenty-six years ago, I walked into the hallways of this amazing school as a new teacher - “hallways” that consisted of one floor of classrooms and a lunchroom in a trailer. There was no playground, however, the spirit and energy of The Davis Academy were then, as they are today, alive and palpable.

Read More about My Davis Story: Galia Sabbag

My Davis story begins as a 15-year-old sophomore at Riverwood High School. I knew at that point in my life that I wanted to be a teacher and a coach. The teachers and coaches I had gave me the confidence and passion for learning and athletics, and I wanted to have an impact on future generations of student-athletes in the way they did for me.

Read More about My Davis Story: Matthew Barry
Davis Stories

From Kindergarten all the way through 8th grade, Davis developed Harris’s character, self-confidence, resilience, work ethic, curiosity, enthusiasm, and love for learning. Harris had multiple informal and formal leadership opportunities in the classroom as well as extracurriculars in the arts, sports, and clubs that cultivated a sense of ownership, accountability, and responsibility to himself, our family, and the greater community.

Read More about Our Davis Story: Hilary and Brian Unell
Ann and Jay Davis

Over 30 years ago, a task force began discussing the possibility of creating a Reform Jewish Day School in Atlanta.  Ann, along with Carol Nemo, Jan Epstein, Rabbi Alvin Sugarman, Harriet Zoller, and others, served on the committee. After one of the meetings, it was decided to form an interim board, and the participants would be asked to contribute financially to seed the project.

Read More about Our Davis Story: Ann and Jay Davis